Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is God your answer?

In the past few weeks I have attended 3 wakes and two funerals.  What strikes me at this moment is the strong message that rings out.  God is the answer.  Although these people were taken from this earth, all of them had this belief and faith that assured them of a better place.  Their families are all comforted in knowing this.  The person that has passed has left those of us here with this beautiful witness of love and faith they possessed.   Of course, those of us left here on earth are sad for their passing.  At times we don't even know how we will survive with out them.  It is true that time heals; however there are losses of children, spouses, parents, and friends that seem as though they leave a hole in us that will never be filled.  

God is a healer of all things.  For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:17).  Although we may believe this scripture with our whole heart and our whole soul, there is still sadness.  I can only say from my own experience that I need to turn to God every day and ask for his healing for myself and my loved ones and friends.  Often times it seems that no matter how faithful you are, the sadness lingers.  In those times I need to turn to God and ask Him to give me strength.  

I will continue to keep my loved ones and friends and their families in my prayers.  So they know the peace that only God may offer.  The peace that truly passes all understanding.  May you be comforted in your sorrow.  

Mrs G

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God's love can change your corner of the world.

It seems that every day we can find ways to be pulled further and further away from the Lord.  What are you doing today to keep focused on Him.  What are you doing to walk the walk and talk the talk.  If you are a student you are inundated with stuff all the time;  school work, activities, jobs, family.    How are you staying focused on your God call?  Take some time today to sit and ask God to guide you.  Ask Him to help you organize your life in such a way that you can put Him first in all you say and all you do.  Try starting in your home; with your family. 

Mother Teresa had a wonderful quote: "Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action. "   

Love does change us.  Love of God, Love of Self and Love of others.  Just take a little time today to sit and think how you can put your love into action.  

Last night I went with a group of students to Feed My Starving Children.  Link follows: If you ever have the opportunity to serve here don't miss the chance.  Taking time out of our busy schedules to make a difference for another human being is putting our love into action.  

What will you do today to put God's love into action in your life?

Mrs G