Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Peace be with you...and also with your spirit.

This was the daily word i read after i got in the car after the man shushed me at the flea market.  What i realized is i do have joyful expression of spirit as a young child would and others are not always open to that in themselves.  I do need to be aware of how my free spirit may hinder others at times.  Just because I am comfortable with being a free spirit everyone around me is not.  
Saturday, July 09, 2011
I am a joyful expression of Spirit.
When children play, they exercise their physical muscles and also their spiritual muscles of joy, love and zeal. While we may not play as often as children, we, too, experience the benefits of play in moments of joyful abandon.
As I plan for my spiritual fitness, I make space for play. Finding a playground swing, a box of colors, a ball to throw, or a kite to fly, I free myself to play.
I release any concerns about my age, my responsibilities or my body that might limit my enjoyment. I smile and breathe in the pure joy of being alive. I am an eternally young expression of Spirit as I exercise my love, joy and zeal in play. 
So I commend enjoyment, for there is nothing better for people under the sun than to eat, and drink, and enjoy themselves.--Ecclesiastes 8:15
I think often life is about finding ways to help others embrace the child like wonder and awe that exists inside of them. Recently, two young women I know have embarked on huge mission trips.  One to Honduras and one to Israel.  I believe both of them are very in touch with the child like wonder and awe that exists in each of us and are working to find some way to change hearts to love.  They are keenly aware of how we must all love each other like a child loves his mother.  What both of them have found is it much easier said than done.  I am blessed to be involved with a group that is currently praying daily for change of heart in Israel/Palestine.  If we do not learn how to love our enemies and recognize that the God we love is the God who saves we will never come to a peaceful solution. 
Below are two quotes that I keep posted at the end of all my emails and I think fit this very well.  One is from Henri Nouwen and the other Mother Teresa.  Both worked tirelessly to help others find peace with in themselves and within our world.  I add one more today from Mother Teresa ~If We have no peace It is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. 
Today May the God of love and mercy grant you the peace that passes all understanding

I find it difficult to conceive of a more concrete way to love than by praying for one's enemies. It makes you conscious of the hard fact that, in God's eyes, you're no more and no less worthy of being loved than any other person, and it creates an awareness of profound solidarity with all other human beings.... And you'll be delighted to discover that you can no longer remain angry with people for whom you've really and truly prayed.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.   ~Mother Teresa