Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I AM ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT LIFE!                                 May 30, 2012
Just as I can turn a different direction when I walk, I can change the direction of my thinking if I wish. If I am feeling tired, sad or disappointed and I want to feel energized, I need only change my thoughts.
I think about what brings me joy, what sparks my creativity, what excites me about being alive. I consider what a positive difference I make as I lend a hand or take better care of myself. I take action, and I feel enthusiasm, a zest for life.
A simple shift in my thinking makes all the difference. I love my life right now, and I recognize my potential. My enthusiasm is contagious! Others around me catch my positive energy. I feel the spirit of God moving through me to do mighty works! ~Daily Word a Unity publication
I always say  it often only takes a 10 degree shift in our thinking. Shift off that thought!! How we look at someone or perceive a situation can change our way of being.   Although our jobs may be difficult... thank you for the job.  Our friends or family may frustrate us ... thank you for the frustration Lord because that means I have family to love.  There are so many ways we can shift our thinking that will enable us to love better and be truly enthusiastic about life! I like to refer to this shift in thinking as an "attitude adjustment".   I often ask God for a new direction, a new way of thinking, a way to shift my attitude to see the blessings in all situations.  
Let's get 10 x's more excited about all we have before us today! 
Get Enthusiastic about life!!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”

Today is the day to reflect on our freedom and those that have made it possible.  For all those that have lost their lives serving our country we salute you.


Friday, May 4, 2012

How do you show love to others?

“Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” 

Recently I have had some dear friends experiencing great loss.  It has had me reflect on how I show love to others in my life.  I would like to think that I am showing others love and seeing God's love in everyone and everything every day.  "perfection"??  far from it.  My goal is to love like Jesus loved and yet I am a sinner.  So, every day I start out to love and when I fall short, I pick myself up and start all over again.  I do my best to see God's beauty in everything and everyone, even the car accident I had this week.  I had just finished praying the rosary, listening to my Christian music and had no cell phone in sight and still I found myself in the back of a huge Ford truck.  Someone cut the truck off, he slammed on his brakes and I ran into him.   Thankfully there were no injuries.  It did remind me to be so thankful for life.  As I started this entry today I mentioned my friends and their loss.  I honestly know my accident is not even in the ballpark of what they are dealing with.  A car can be repaired, but we can't bring our loved ones back once they are gone.  Yes I believe they are in a better place, but our hearts long to be with them.  My Godfather who is dealing with dementia had a beautiful moment of clarity last week.  He said about the death of his son, "when you loose a child you reserve a place in your heart for them, you will always love them."  I agree you never stop loving your family and friends once they are gone, but let us remember to show our love while they are still here with us.  St Therese would sweep the floors of the convent with pure love in her heart, such a menial task and yet she found God in it.  This week, let us all try to find God in all we say and do.  When we study for a test, walk the dog, go to work, get upset with our parents, spouses or children, play our sports, even get in a car accident.  Let us all love like we might not see tomorrow and to be Christ for all those we meet.  
Blessings to all for a wonderful week.

A friend of mine wrote the message below on his blog and I thought you might enjoy it as well.