Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let Us Give THANKS

Next week we celebrate Thanksgiving and I want to encourage everyone to be mindful of all there is to be thankful for.  I was just speaking with someone about how some people tend to think the grass is greener on the other side ... funny thing is once you are over there the grass doesn't seem quite as green.  

How often do we start our day giving thanks and praise for all we are given? Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  It does not mean we never have sadness or hardships in our lives, but honestly there is always something or someone to give thanks for.  

My daughter and I had the privilege of going to Austria this month and the family we stayed with treated us with such love and kindness we were overwhelmed.  We had never met any of them and yet they all treated us as if they had known us for years.  Every day we gave thanks for their generosity and kindness.  It had us both remembering Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.  If we could all remember this .. all the time we would live in a world of kindness and thanksgiving.

This weekend I asked students in my youth group to write a letter to someone in their life they are thankful for.  Telling them why you are happy they are in your life and what you love about them.  I began having students do this years ago and one time after a student had written to his grandmother she was so moved she in turn wrote to each member of her family, leaving them all with beautiful words of love and thanks.    I challenge all of you to write letters this Thanksgiving as well. You may never know how it can make a difference for that person, but I can assure you they will appreciate the letter.  (use the copy below to write your Thanksgiving letter.)

Blessings for a joyful and healthy Thanksgiving.