Monday, June 4, 2018

Are you Summer Ready?

Every year since I was a little kid I loved summer.  As an adult I still can't wait for summer.  When my children were younger and got out of school for summer it was the best time of year for sure.  I loved hanging out with them, doing projects and swimming in our pool.  Those days seem long gone and now they are all doing that with their own children.  Now as a grandparent I look forward to the times I can hang out with my grandchildren doing those fun things with them.

Over Memorial Day weekend my husband and I were traveling to Wisconsin with three of our grandchildren and happened to get in a huge 12 car/truck accident.  We were driving along in a construction area when a semi going to fast slammed on his brakes causing a domino effect where trucks and cars were strewn all over interstate 90. As it was happening I screamed out to God asking him to protect us and keep us safe.  Our car stopped inches before a gravel truck that had already hit 5 other cars.  Every car and truck around us had damage, except ours.  By the grace of God our car and all of us were completely unharmed.   People started to get our of their cars to check on each other ensuring that all was ok.  The construction workers on the side of the road quickly jumped over the barrier and began helping as well.   It was very hot out that day and we had no sun screen for the kids so one of the construction workers called his office about 1/2 mile away and told them I was coming there with my grandchildren to get out of the sun.  Two of the workers helped me carry the children over the construction site to get to a field we could walk through to the air conditioning.  As we were walking there my grandchildren were asking a lot of questions about how it all happened and why.  Jake who will be 5 tomorrow said, "Nana do you think we are safe because of the prayer we say when we get in the car?"  "Yes Jakey, I think that is why we are safe."  " So, God was here with us?' Was He invisible because I didn't see Him?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said, "yes he was here, He put his arms around our car to keep us safe."

Once we got back on the road the children asked to say our prayer about 9 more times and of course I obliged.  So I guess my whole point of summer ready, is being ready for anything and everything.  Be sure to have your prayer ready.  If you don't have one you can use ours.
As we get into our car, traveling near or traveling far. Please dear Jesus bless our day and keep us safe along the way.   (Jakey added, guardian angels keep us safe and God keep us safe) Amen