Monday, June 4, 2018

Are you Summer Ready?

Every year since I was a little kid I loved summer.  As an adult I still can't wait for summer.  When my children were younger and got out of school for summer it was the best time of year for sure.  I loved hanging out with them, doing projects and swimming in our pool.  Those days seem long gone and now they are all doing that with their own children.  Now as a grandparent I look forward to the times I can hang out with my grandchildren doing those fun things with them.

Over Memorial Day weekend my husband and I were traveling to Wisconsin with three of our grandchildren and happened to get in a huge 12 car/truck accident.  We were driving along in a construction area when a semi going to fast slammed on his brakes causing a domino effect where trucks and cars were strewn all over interstate 90. As it was happening I screamed out to God asking him to protect us and keep us safe.  Our car stopped inches before a gravel truck that had already hit 5 other cars.  Every car and truck around us had damage, except ours.  By the grace of God our car and all of us were completely unharmed.   People started to get our of their cars to check on each other ensuring that all was ok.  The construction workers on the side of the road quickly jumped over the barrier and began helping as well.   It was very hot out that day and we had no sun screen for the kids so one of the construction workers called his office about 1/2 mile away and told them I was coming there with my grandchildren to get out of the sun.  Two of the workers helped me carry the children over the construction site to get to a field we could walk through to the air conditioning.  As we were walking there my grandchildren were asking a lot of questions about how it all happened and why.  Jake who will be 5 tomorrow said, "Nana do you think we are safe because of the prayer we say when we get in the car?"  "Yes Jakey, I think that is why we are safe."  " So, God was here with us?' Was He invisible because I didn't see Him?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes and said, "yes he was here, He put his arms around our car to keep us safe."

Once we got back on the road the children asked to say our prayer about 9 more times and of course I obliged.  So I guess my whole point of summer ready, is being ready for anything and everything.  Be sure to have your prayer ready.  If you don't have one you can use ours.
As we get into our car, traveling near or traveling far. Please dear Jesus bless our day and keep us safe along the way.   (Jakey added, guardian angels keep us safe and God keep us safe) Amen

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Be the Change.....


April 29, 2016

Being a youth leader for the past 24 years often has me thinking about how we can all continue to make a difference in the lives of others. Especially helping our youth to see how they can make a difference. I feel blessed in so many ways and every day I am reminded just how blessed I am with my 7 grandchildren.

My oldest grandson Matthew is a very precocious 4 year old.  He has become hooked on a craft using perler beads. I had them saved since his mom was a little girl. Matthew liked them so much I purchased him a container of 22,000 beads. He started out with a car template he had and made about 25 cars. Then he made hearts for all of his Aunts and Uncles for Valentines Day.  He truly loves making shapes, rainbows, and now is even making Minnions.  I have since ordered him another 22,000 beads but his mom has requested they stay at my house. :) He actually makes them all the time. He wakes at 6am and starts making beads. The patience he has for this craft is none like i have seen for a child his age. 

Recently, he decided he wanted to give away the 75 items he had made to date. I talked about giving them to people in a nursing home and he asked me what that was.  I explained who lived there and he said, "that is a perfect idea". He proceeded to tell me that we needed to glue magnets on all 75 of his little pieces of art so the people could hang them up. So, I ordered magnets and Matthew and I hot glued them all on. Magnets were not all he wanted. Matthew also let me know under no circumstances could we give the "old people" these items without wrapping paper and a beautiful bow.  I said, "oh I don't think they would mind".  Matthew responded, "of course they will, this is a present and we want it to look beautiful for them".  Of course we wrapped them and put bows on. (Nana was schooled by a 4 year old, as I tried to cut corners). I have to say I was truly amazed at how well Matthew was at wrapping. The determination he put toward this project was nothing less than amazing.  

Yesterday we put all of his effort and hard work into the hands of the residents at Elmhurst Extended Care.  His little brother Jake (2 1/2) has also helped all along the way.  Both of them walked through the halls and into the rooms of residents handing out their treasure.  There were residents that accepted with tears in their eyes and thanked the boys, others just smiled and said thank you. The boys looked at them and said, "you are welcome have a nice day".  Of course as a Nana I was so proud of how excited these two little boys were giving each person their gift.  The real beauty was in the fact that neither Matthew or Jake saw any of the residents disabilities.  They truly just handed out their gifts with a smile or maybe a touch and even hand shakes.  They were the difference in the lives of those seniors.  It made me realize we all need to look past the disabilities of others and greet them with a smile.  We need to do better at honoring the elderly. The following scripture comes to mind for me when thinking of how we must see with a heart of love.  

Matthew 18:3  "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 

April 28th was national pay it forward day and this was a wonderful way to pay it forward.  Bringing joy to the elderly.  Thanking them for the contributions they have made.  I challenge you to do something to make a difference.  We all could take a page out of Matthew's book and bring a smile to someone's face. 

Matthew working on his project

Delivering Love!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Our Lenten journey

Well we are  in our second week of lent.  By this time we have made our promises to God to fast, serve more, give up something, help others more, not eat sweets, pray more, exercise and on and on.  How is that going for you?  

Lent is a time for reflection, a time to draw us nearer to the Lord.  A time for us to reflect on how we can make Christ a more intimate part of our lives.  I often think Lent should be about the sacrifice. Trying to understand what Jesus did for us, dying on the cross. The love and sacrifice he demonstrated was something we should all strive to do in our lives.  

So when we think about how we are living out our Lenten journey we really need to be honest about where our journey has been and where we want to go.  The walk with Jesus these 40 days should bring us to a point in our relationship with Him that is different than it was once we began.  How well do you know Jesus and how much are you willing to do to make your relationship with him better and stronger?

Many churches have given out Matthew Kelly's book rediscover Jesus.  Offering people a chance to think about where their journey is taking them.  Below is a link where you can go to get a free copy of this book.  All you pay is $5.95 shipping and handling.                                          

One of my favorite Lenten songs is Lamb of God by Twila Paris.  Take a moment to listen to the beautiful words.

If you have already started your journey and feel you are making strides to know Jesus better this Lent that is wonderful.. If you have not, remember you still have 37 more praying days until Easter.  Wishing us all a fruitful journey.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

The importance of compassion

Today we honored our teacher of the quarter at our PRIDE meeting, Positive Role Models Inspiring Direction to Excellence, a group at York high school.  This is a teacher the students believe truly cares about the students at the high school.  The idea of the award is to recognize a teacher each quarter that students feel teach them to be better students and leaders.  Our recipient today spoke about how the students in PRIDE are making positive choices and also asked them to reach out to the student that may not have friends or seem to be bullied by others.  The conversation then had some of the groups members share how they in fact have helped those students in need.  We talked about being the best person we could be and to recognize when and where others may need our help.

A young woman shared about how she embraced a student sitting  alone at lunch, another befriending someone in a class and yet another spoke about people using dirogetory words that may be offensive to others and you don't even know it.  This group of young adults in PRIDE are truly leaders and all do great things in life.  They lead by example with integrity and compassion for others.  They are not perfect and as we all know live in an imperfect world.  However, they are striving to be leaders among their peers.

As I looked at FB today an article popped up that I thought was worth posting.  Keep in mind this was not a group of students talking but adults.  If we don't teach our children compassion they will not know compassion as adults.  

We need to be reminded that "Those People" are  people... and until you walk a mile in their shoes you have no idea what their journey has been.  Use compassion when you speak about and to others.  You never know.....

Those People” Eat Quinoa, Too

There’s a food drive happening at the school where I work. Several bins have been set up throughout the hallways, with cute kid-decorated signs that implore us to SCARE HUNGER and donate non-perishables for the local food shelf.
As I am wont to do, I look at the food as I walk by. Why? Because I like food. It’s like porn to me. I wish I was lying. So I walk by, several times a day, and gaze at the donations.

Dang. We have some swanky grocery shoppers at our school…the bins are filled with “fancy” foodstuff, lots of organic offerings, and some deviations from the standard mac and cheese/boxes of spaghetti. There’s rice pasta, artichoke hearts packed in seasoned oil, gluten-free crackers, olive tapenade….and quinoa. I look at those bins like Sylvester looked at Tweety Bird.

Like I was doing earlier this week. Walking by, checking out the bins. One of the women who helped organize the drive was in the hallway, and I called out to her “Wow! Look at all this awesomeness!” or something similarly enlightening. She beamed and said, “I know! The parents at this school are amazing.”
As she was saying this, another woman happened by. She smiled at us, like people who see each other several times a day in passing do, and then she said this:
“Too bad they won’t know what to do with most of it.”
It was one of those moments in life, when your ears hear something but your brain can’t quite process it.  I was fairly certain I’d just heard her say what I thought I’d heard her say…but it didn’t really sink in. It floated there, like a film of rainbow-hued oil over a puddle in the street.

I spoke up, while she was still within earshot. “What do you mean?”. I wanted to know. I wanted to verify what she said, make sure I hadn’t misunderstood.

The woman stopped. She turned towards me, one hand holding a couple of manila folders, the other resting lightly on her hip. She was still smiling.
“Those people won’t know what most of that is. I mean, really, quinoa?”
Yep. I’d heard her correctly.
Those people.
The last time I got groceries at our local food shelf was this past February. Eight months ago. The long-overdue child support from my ex kicked in later that month, and although it wasn’t much, it made the difference between being able to buy groceries and having to get them from a food shelf. For that, I’m grateful.
Those people.
I can still remember the first time I visited the food shelf. I had driven by, so many times, trying to work up the courage to pull into the parking lot. I’d whisper to myself, “Dammit. I can’t” and I’d keep driving, home to the barren fridge and the Old-Mother-Hubbard cupboards. Until the desperation overshadowed my pride.

Those people.
Once you get past the hardest part, which is walking through the door, being at the food shelf isn’t so bad. I mean, it’s not something that inspires one to burst into song and run around high-fiving people, but as far as life experiences go, not so bad. Sure, there’s the heat on your cheeks as you fill out the paperwork, giving these strangers your life history. Telling them how you got into this pickle. This predicament. Telling them what you do for money, how much you get and how you spend it. But you get used to having hot cheeks. You become accustomed to averting your gaze so as not to make too much eye contact. You eventually become, dare I say, comfortable at the food shelf.
Those people.
I quickly found out that food shelves are a lot like TJ Maxx…it’s hit or miss. Some days the shelves are full, and full of really good things. Annie’s Mac and Cheese. Organic marinara sauce. Fresh vegetables. Whole chickens in the freezer. Brie from Trader Joe’s that’s only 2 days past the expiration date. Other days, you have to scramble to even get near the required weight of food in your cart (yeah…you get a certain number of pounds of food, depending on the size of your family). Dented cans of creamed corn. Spoiled produce that even the most resourceful, broke chef couldn’t salvage. Individual sleeves of saltine crackers. But beggars can’t be choosers, right?

Those people.
I visited the food shelf a total of 5 times in about 11 months. I only told one friend. I told my kids, and when I did, I expected them to laugh, or get angry, or embarrassed. They didn’t do any of those things. They helped me put the groceries away, and they did so quietly, not saying much other than the occasional exclamation of “Yum!” or “Gross!”. I can recall for you, on command, most of the meals I made with food shelf goodies. Oven roasted chicken with quartered rosemary potatoes. Turkey chili. French toast. More mac and cheese than I care to admit. One of my favorites was an organic risotto, flavored with mushrooms and olive oil.
Those people.
I wanted to say that, but I didn’t. Instead, all I could muster was,  “I like quinoa.”
To which she replied, “Well yes, of course. You’re not one of those people.”
If only she knew.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Being open to God in our lives every day!

God is always there waiting for us to call on Him.  How often in a day are you reminded of all the blessings He has bestowed upon you?  Sometimes we allow the negative times to keep us from seeing all we have.  

This past weekend I had the privilege of going with our high school youth group to Hopkins Park.  What an amazing eye opening experience this always is for us.  Being able to help others and make a difference is wonderful.  I thank God that I am able to see Him in the world we live in.  Take some time today to notice all the good that exists around you. As the people of Hopkins Park say,  "If you woke up in your right mind today than you are blessed".  Start there..... 

Have a blessed day

Friday, June 5, 2015

This is Amazing Grace

Been some time since I have written.. Feeling like I am back on track and wanted to start by giving God thanks and praise for all my blessings.  It is truly His amazing grace that keeps me grounded and centered.  I have recently been blessed with my 6th grandchild,   The day the baby born I was on m way to the hospital and heard the song, 
This is Amazing Grace by Paul Wickham

We had no idea if our grandchild would be a girl or boy.  If a girl one of the possible names was Grace.   As I heard this song I just had this overwhelming feeling that the baby was a girl and her name would be Grace.  It was a girl and her name is Grace.  

I give thanks and praise every day for my children and grandchildren.  I ask God's blessing on all of them.  That they may remain healthy and safe.  I know that He is in control, but I also know that we must continue to ask for his guidance and support.  It is through Him that I continue to find my way.  I hope and pray that I can lead by example for my family.  Continuing to keep God first in all I say and do.  When I loose my way  I am reminded that in every moment He is there waiting with his Amazing Grace.   

I challenge us all to look for the Grace in our day.  How is God calling us?  Where is He leading us?  Take some time today to just sit and listen.  Ask Him where he wants you and how you can fulfill His will for you.  God's grace is all around us.  This is so clear to me every time I am with my grandchildren.  I continue to see the face of God in each and every one of them.  This is His Amazing Grace.

Blessings for a wonderful weekend.  Remember to look for His grace.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Remembering all you have been given

I am at day 5 of the book The Magic.  This book is an excellent reminder of all the blessings we have.  It also helps  me to be present to be a blessing to and for others.  If we really take time to reflect on all we have been given there is only joy that we can see. 

I am so very thankful for so many things and so many people.  Every day God blesses me with so much.  Today I recognize all those people that have been a part of my life; maybe for a moment maybe for a lifetime and I give thanks.

I challenge you to take time today and make a list of all you have been given and reflect on what you are most thankful for.  If we all choose to focus on our blessings each day we can continue to be a blessing for others.  

Great song to reflect on: Blessings by Laura Story