Friday, June 5, 2015

This is Amazing Grace

Been some time since I have written.. Feeling like I am back on track and wanted to start by giving God thanks and praise for all my blessings.  It is truly His amazing grace that keeps me grounded and centered.  I have recently been blessed with my 6th grandchild,   The day the baby born I was on m way to the hospital and heard the song, 
This is Amazing Grace by Paul Wickham

We had no idea if our grandchild would be a girl or boy.  If a girl one of the possible names was Grace.   As I heard this song I just had this overwhelming feeling that the baby was a girl and her name would be Grace.  It was a girl and her name is Grace.  

I give thanks and praise every day for my children and grandchildren.  I ask God's blessing on all of them.  That they may remain healthy and safe.  I know that He is in control, but I also know that we must continue to ask for his guidance and support.  It is through Him that I continue to find my way.  I hope and pray that I can lead by example for my family.  Continuing to keep God first in all I say and do.  When I loose my way  I am reminded that in every moment He is there waiting with his Amazing Grace.   

I challenge us all to look for the Grace in our day.  How is God calling us?  Where is He leading us?  Take some time today to just sit and listen.  Ask Him where he wants you and how you can fulfill His will for you.  God's grace is all around us.  This is so clear to me every time I am with my grandchildren.  I continue to see the face of God in each and every one of them.  This is His Amazing Grace.

Blessings for a wonderful weekend.  Remember to look for His grace.

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