Monday, July 30, 2012

Who are you BEING?


Ephesians 4:22-24 22 So get rid of your old self, which made you live as you used to—the old self that was being destroyed by its deceitful desires.23 Your hearts and minds must be made completely new,24 and you must put on the new self, which is created in God's likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy.

For me, it is important every moment of every day to look at who I am being.  Am I being kind, considerate, compassionate, loving, caring and on and on.  It is so easy to be swept away by worldly things and worldly ways.  Too often our sites are set on what we want rather than what we need.  I have to ask myself every day if I am being who God wants me to be.  I must be very honest about who I am being.  Is what I do all for the grace of God?  Being human,  every day I need to ask God to lead me so I might do things in a way that is pleasing to Him.  

We are called human beings not human doings.  It is about who we are being when we are doing.  Are we being Christ for others or are we more concerned about how we look and what we have?  This is an ongoing learning process for me.   I ask myself, am I being the same person in all areas of my life?  Being the same person at work, as I am at home, as I am at church, and in line at the grocery store.  That I may be as much like Christ as I can "be".  When I find myself being consumed with what I want and feel, rather than what God wants.. I stop and ask Him to help me to be the human "being" He wants me to be.  

I pray that we all enjoy "be"coming who God wants us to "be".  Blessings for a wonderful and peaceful week.  

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