Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I had the extreme privilege of going with our high school youth group DESTINY to Hopkins Park for a mission trip two weeks ago.  It was a miraculous time.   God's presence is overwhelming!  My husband Tom and I also had the true blessing of being Godparents to Curtis.  We have known Curtis since he was 9 yrs old and were honored to serve as his Godparents.  We pray that God continues to guide us and Curtis and that we may always know the love God has for us all.  

One thing we all walked away from Hopkins Park with is to know how very blessed we all are.  The richness of God's presence there is like nothing I have ever seen.  When asked how they are doing, you will hear this response from  nearly every person living there.  "I AM BLESSED!"  No matter what their life circumstances, they find God in everything and everyone.  Our pastor always says that when you are there you are on holy ground and I could not agree more.  

I give thanks and praise for all the blessings and love I have in my life.  No matter where life's journey brings me, one thing I will always remember is.. " I AM BLESSED" !

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