Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where are you and who are you???

This is one of my many favorite quotes.  Sometimes we are so wrapped up in where we are going we miss the journey.  We completely miss being in the present moment.  We tell ourselves that once we get there we will take some time.  We will play or relax, whatever it is we are not doing right now.  

What if we always looked at our lives as though we are there?  That right now in this very moment I am where I am meant to be.   I can be happy right now.  I can work hard, and study hard, and play hard, but I can be happy right now.  

No matter where I go, there I am.  I might as well be happy where ever I go.  Look at the glass half full, and try my very best to bring joy and happiness to the lives of others.  

Go where you must, but go knowing you have a choice to be your very best every day.  Today I choose to take a deep breath, relax and just be... be happy, be thankful, be grateful.  

Blessings for a wonderful week!

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