Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mark 10:46-52

There were hundreds in the crowd that day at Jericho. I am sure many of those people had needs and wanted healing.   This Sunday the gospel (Mark 10:46-52)will tell us that apparently only one of them had the courage and determination to speak up and ask for help from Jesus, whom everyone had come to see.

Bartimaeus, a blind man, not someone that many thought deserved the Lord's recognition.  I can only imagine how people in the crowd may have tried to push him away from our Lord.  A blind man among them asking for the Messiah's help.  This did not deter Bartimaeus, in fact it made him more determined.  He actually shouted out for the Lord.  This act of faith stopped our Lord in His tracks. Bartimaeus was a beggar and seen as someone not worthy to speak to the Lord.  He most likely wore a cloak to protect himself from the heat and cold and to hide his shame.   He removed his cloak and this left him open and vulnerable.  I guess we could say he was willing to let go of things that held him back.  He shed his past so to speak and stopped at nothing to let the Lord know he trusted that He could heal him.  Do we have that kind of faith with our Lord?

They say often the blind  see more than people who have physical sight. one reason being is  they have to rely more  on their other senses; hearing, smell and touch. The faith Bartimaeus demonstrated did lead him to the Lord and eventually to his healing.  

Last night, I spoke with my Confirmation students asking them how determined they are when it comes to asking for God's help.  Are they ever blind to the world and needs around them?  Often it is not physical blindness that hinders us, but the blindness in our heart and faith life.  Are we blind to those around us, because we are thinking or only ourselves?  Do we try every day to look for ways that we can SEE what others need?  To put our needs aside and trust that God will show us ways to help others.  

Challenge for today:  Let us all SEE with our hearts this week.  Finding ways to help those around us.  Demonstrating our faith through our actions.  Shouting out to the Lord... Show me what I must SEE.

Blessings to all for a glorious week.  Enjoy seeing all that God has planned for you.

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