Monday, August 19, 2013

All we need is LOVE

My son recently played the role of Marius in Les Mis and I have to say this line is for me one of the most moving in the entire show.  "to love another person is to see the face of God".  There really is nothing more true.  If we all acted with hearts of love rather than ego/judgement our world would be more beautiful every day.  

All I need to do is take one look at my grandchildren and I am looking at the face of Christ. People have always said, wait until you have grandchildren you can not believe how much you will love them.  Well they were correct.  I believe there is an instant soul to soul connection you have with each one of them.  They teach me what true unconditional love is.  You need no words just being in their presence reminds you of "The Presence". 

Knowing God )the presence) is knowing love.  When we are able to recognize the divine in everyone and everything we are able to love more fully.  It is easier to forgive, easier to be present, and easier to love.  I challenge us all to be present to The Presence.  To look for God in everyone and everything.  At first you may not see it, but if you pay attention and listen you will.  

Blessings for a wonderful week.... 

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