Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Will Lent be time of change for YOU?

An outward sign of your faith

Tomorrow, Wednesday February 22 begins our lenten journey.  How will you choose to prepare your self for Easter?  We are asked to offer 3 types of actions to our Lord.  

Prayer, Fasting and Alms giving.  What will you do?  

Fasting if you are 14 are older includes abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of lent.  Fasting should also include some type of sacrifice.  Perhaps you will abstain from a certain television show, Facebook, or your favorite food.  You can abstain from different things each week if you prefer.   For me, fasting can keep me focused on prayer.  Each time I am reminded of my sacrifice I take that time to pray.  I will pray for the world, or someone in my life that needs praying for.  The beautiful thing about sacrifice and or fasting is it will remind us of what God did for us.  Sacrificing His only Son for us.  

Praying during lent can take many forms as well.  Perhaps you will read the Bible each day, pray the Rosary, pray for peace in the world.  Praying each day for our world, loved ones and friends is an important part of the lenten journey.  If you are just beginning your prayer life, maybe you will pray for a short time each day.  

Alms giving is also an important part.  Maybe you will choose a charity as a family and all will collect money to support your charity.  Maybe you brought a rice bowl home from school and each day you will use that for your collection.

Remember what ever it is you choose to do for Lent this is a journey between you and Jesus.  Nobody else needs to know what you have chosen to do.   It is a time for you to renew your life.  Make changes and sacrifice that bring you closer to Him.  If you don't really eat much candy then giving up candy is not much of a sacrifice.  However, if you love chocolate and eat it every day, then that is sacrifice.  Adding more prayer time to your day, doing random acts of kindness each day.  Have your journey be about you and Jesus.  You walking with Him on his journey in the desert.  I love lent because as a sinner it helps me to take time to just "be" with Jesus.  Thinking about who I want to be in the world every day.  

However you plan to go to the desert this lent have your journey be about change and renewal.  Like the caterpillar, we are entering into our cocoon.  Beginning to form and change ourselves into a butterfly.  Enjoy the journey!

1 comment:

  1. you need some comments.....very true thoughts on lent...I was just wondering if say you were married and your significant other gave up something that effected you - say tv...would that count as your sacrifice as well? ---just kidding! lent is a time to reflect and deepen your relationship with God and I am looking forward to some positive change! love ya
