Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let Us Give THANKS

Next week we celebrate Thanksgiving and I want to encourage everyone to be mindful of all there is to be thankful for.  I was just speaking with someone about how some people tend to think the grass is greener on the other side ... funny thing is once you are over there the grass doesn't seem quite as green.  

How often do we start our day giving thanks and praise for all we are given? Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.  It does not mean we never have sadness or hardships in our lives, but honestly there is always something or someone to give thanks for.  

My daughter and I had the privilege of going to Austria this month and the family we stayed with treated us with such love and kindness we were overwhelmed.  We had never met any of them and yet they all treated us as if they had known us for years.  Every day we gave thanks for their generosity and kindness.  It had us both remembering Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.  If we could all remember this .. all the time we would live in a world of kindness and thanksgiving.

This weekend I asked students in my youth group to write a letter to someone in their life they are thankful for.  Telling them why you are happy they are in your life and what you love about them.  I began having students do this years ago and one time after a student had written to his grandmother she was so moved she in turn wrote to each member of her family, leaving them all with beautiful words of love and thanks.    I challenge all of you to write letters this Thanksgiving as well. You may never know how it can make a difference for that person, but I can assure you they will appreciate the letter.  (use the copy below to write your Thanksgiving letter.)

Blessings for a joyful and healthy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Are you a Saint in the making?


November 1 & November 2 we celebrate all saints and all souls 

I remember as a young child learning about these days and wondering what I was going to have to do to become a saint.  Our pastor tells our congregation that we are all saints in the making and I agree.  We are all given gifts and talents to use for good. 

   In Wizard of Oz when the munchkins meet Dorothy they ask her if she is a good witch or a bad witch.  Her response is, "I am not a witch at all, I am Dorothy Gale from Kansas."  That statement defines Dorothy. She knows who she is and understands that she is not good or bad she just is.  I believe in order for us to really know ourselves we must know God.  We must recognize the true love he has for us and  believe we are who we are, because of Him.  He has given us powers just like the Wizard to use for good.  So we can choose to use our powers for good or evil just as Dorothy or the wicked witch did.   

Using our so called "powers" for good, enables us to continue to be more like God.  We can continue to choose to make a difference and in that process become saints in the making.  Our goal is not to do good only to become saints; but rather do good because we know the love we share with others can change the world.   Love is very powerful!    

This past week I read a  book called,  I walked to the moon and almost everybody waved. 
 I highly recommend it.  Such a beautiful message about being who we are called to be.  To use our powers for good and become Saints in the making.  Living our lives for good will continue to make our world a better place for all who are in it.  

Blessings for a wonderful day!

Monday, August 19, 2013

All we need is LOVE

My son recently played the role of Marius in Les Mis and I have to say this line is for me one of the most moving in the entire show.  "to love another person is to see the face of God".  There really is nothing more true.  If we all acted with hearts of love rather than ego/judgement our world would be more beautiful every day.  

All I need to do is take one look at my grandchildren and I am looking at the face of Christ. People have always said, wait until you have grandchildren you can not believe how much you will love them.  Well they were correct.  I believe there is an instant soul to soul connection you have with each one of them.  They teach me what true unconditional love is.  You need no words just being in their presence reminds you of "The Presence". 

Knowing God )the presence) is knowing love.  When we are able to recognize the divine in everyone and everything we are able to love more fully.  It is easier to forgive, easier to be present, and easier to love.  I challenge us all to be present to The Presence.  To look for God in everyone and everything.  At first you may not see it, but if you pay attention and listen you will.  

Blessings for a wonderful week.... 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I had the extreme privilege of going with our high school youth group DESTINY to Hopkins Park for a mission trip two weeks ago.  It was a miraculous time.   God's presence is overwhelming!  My husband Tom and I also had the true blessing of being Godparents to Curtis.  We have known Curtis since he was 9 yrs old and were honored to serve as his Godparents.  We pray that God continues to guide us and Curtis and that we may always know the love God has for us all.  

One thing we all walked away from Hopkins Park with is to know how very blessed we all are.  The richness of God's presence there is like nothing I have ever seen.  When asked how they are doing, you will hear this response from  nearly every person living there.  "I AM BLESSED!"  No matter what their life circumstances, they find God in everything and everyone.  Our pastor always says that when you are there you are on holy ground and I could not agree more.  

I give thanks and praise for all the blessings and love I have in my life.  No matter where life's journey brings me, one thing I will always remember is.. " I AM BLESSED" !

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do they see Jesus in me

Thursday May 23, 2013 

Jesus' Self-Portrait

Jesus says:  "Blessed are the poor, the gentle, those who mourn, those who hunger and thirst for uprightness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted in the cause of uprightness"   (Matthew 5:3-10).   These words offer us a self-portrait of Jesus.  Jesus is the Blessed One.  And the face of the Blessed One shows poverty, gentleness, grief, hunger, and thirst for uprightness, mercy, purity of heart, a desire to make peace, and the signs of persecution.

The whole message of the Gospel is this:  Become like Jesus.  We have his self-portrait.  When we keep that in front of our eyes, we will soon learn what it means to follow Jesus and become like him.

- Henri J. M. Nouwen  

Do they Jesus in me ..Joy Williams  This is one of my favorite songs because it reminds me of living my life out so that I reflect Jesus in all I say and do.  
Walking the walk means we are forever keeping present to the Presence. 

Special thanks to all those that have served our country and continue to serve.  God bless you... have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Making Easter Truly Happy

happy easter jesus photo: Happy Easter Jesus-resurrection1.jpg

The Easter Season is my favorite time of year in the church.  I love Holy week.    I know some people avoid these "extra" services because they can be a little long.  I want to encourage you to attend one or all this year.  Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil.  

I also wanted to share today's daily word.  What a beautiful sentiment that we all can strive for.  Let us all walk the walk to God.  Following our divine calling and always recognizing our God given talents.   

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
When called to sacred service, I take action.
When I feel called to help others, I can talk the talk or walk the walk. I choose to walk the walk, and my first step is always toward God. In prayer, my mind is receptive to guidance, my heart fills with love and my course of action becomes clear. I do for others what I would want done for me.
Others also feel the divine calling, and through this common bond, we join in sacred service. The spark of divinity grows within us and compassion warms our hearts. As we offer help, we behold those we’re serving as already whole and complete. Each one of us is a spiritual being, growing in awareness of our God-given potential.
Today I take action, and I am blessed.
Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.—1 John 3:18
Blessings and Happy Easter

Monday, March 18, 2013

Thank you God for everything!

We only have two weeks left for our Lenten obervances.  Just a reminder to really think about how you give honor and praise to our Father.  I know for myself I find ways to thank Him every day for all the blessings in my life.   When I fall short which is almost every day... I pick myself up and ask Him to give me strength and forgiveness.  There is so very much to be thankful for everyday and I want to always find ways to give Him thanks for all He has given me.  
I hope and pray that your Lenten observance has been a time of much reflection and grace.  Let us all have these last two weeks be the best so far.  I also want to encourage everyone to attend Holy Week services.  The Triduum, for me these are the most beautiful services of the year.  
 USCCB LogoThe summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery.  The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil.

God bless you all on your journey.  

Friday, March 1, 2013

What are you doing for lent?

Found this on Life Teen site and wonder how many of us could do some of these or already are doing them for Lent.  How are you walking the walk this Lent.  Who will you be and how will you grow in your relationship with the Lord?
Are you looking for something unconventional to offer up for Lent? We asked Life Teen missionaries and our friends on Facebook for cool stuff they’ve done in the past. This is what they shared:
  1. “This year I’m giving up shoes as often as possible. I’ll still wear shoes if I’m doing a work project or if I have to fly on a plane. But I’m going to avoid going to places that require shoes.” – Paul, a Life Teen Missionary
  2. “I’m addicted to caffeine so I gave up all drinks but water for Lent two years ago.” – Amanda
  3. “Last year I didn’t give up anything for Lent, just added more prayer life. This year I am going to add more prayer life and give up Facebook.” – Josephina
  4. “I gave up spoons and forks. I learned to use chopsticks. It was funny for my friends and made it easy to talk about Lent in a way that people were cool with. We laughed a lot.” – Matt
  5. “I’ve heard of people giving up their beds for Lent. They slept on the floor or the couch.” – Anna
  6. “I fasted for all of Lent one year. 1 meal a day really brings souls to Jesus, especially your own!” – Erika
  7. “I’m going to treat my body as a temple of God during lent… everything I read, watch, listen to, eat, drink, do, say, etc…..focusing on being a temple of God.” – Paul
  8. “One year for Lent I wrote a letter each day. I made a list of 40 people who have touched my life in one way or another. Each day of Lent, I wrote a person on the list a letter of thanks for how they touched my life and I prayed for that person on that day….it was a WONDERFUL experience!!!” – Patty
  9. “I tried improving on my spirit of giving.” – Peter
  10. “This year, I’m giving up the radio in my car in order to focus more on the things that are around me that God created! I can’t wait so I’ve already started doing it!” – Joshua
  11. “One year I gave up my bed. I slept outside in a tent. And I live in Canada! So it was well below freezing! I even kept a blog on Myspace (that’s all there was at the time!) Another year I made a few shirts out of burlap, and wore one under my regular clothes for all of Lent. Both were hard, but really helped me those years.” – Brandon
  12. “This year, I’m giving up all sweets, (I work at a frozen yogurt shop) and am going to use the constant reminder to pray for one person in particular every day, I made a list/calendar via Facebook of friends that need/want prayer.” – Aimee
  13. “I have an issue with vanity, especially when I get ready in the morning. So I decided a couple years ago to just wear the first outfit I put on every morning. What I learned from that was how to get a source of self esteem beyond my outfits.” – Carrie, a Life Teen Missionary
  14. “I didn’t do this, but last year two of my friends gave up warm water for their showers.” – Maria
  15. “This year I’m giving up having my phone with me during the day because I’m always checking my email throughout the day. My hope is that having moderation I can be more present to the people around me. I want them to see my deeper connection with God.” – Kaitlin, a Life Teen Missionary
  16. “I want to listen more.” – Carmelina
  17. “I have given up makeup in the past, and this year I am giving up meat!” – Kimberly
  18. “Usually during Lent, on top of giving up something we love but don’t need, we say that any money that is found in the laundry, couches, and anywhere else was God’s money and we gave it to the poor. I remember one of the first years we did this, I found a $20 bill in a parking lot.” – Alyssa
  19. “Two years ago I went to adoration every day during Lent. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t make it every day but I made it most of the time and it changed my life to get and be with Jesus that much, it was an awesome experience.” – Jacob
  20. “I know a girl who said she only listened to Christian music during last year’s Lent. She said it was hard at first, but soon loved the depth and meaning behind many Christian songs.” – Molly
  21. “Getting more involved in the church….time & talent. More prayer as in…the rosary & Novenas really get into some SERIOUS PRAYER!! Getting help for my depression. Alongside giving up meat on Fridays. Focusing on being a better Christian in general, being more concerned & in tuned to God’s plan for me & my family as opposed to ‘our plans’ for our lives.” – Erika
  22. “Getting to the 3rd floor using stairs not escalator/elevator.” – Francisca
  23. “I’ve adopted a priest in Chile…… I offer daily prayers and sacrifices for Father Juan Nunes!!!” – Tony
  24. “I’ve never done it, but I’ve heard of people giving up the snooze button on their alarm clock. They said that it was harder than they thought, but it taught them a lot about discipline.” – Jessica, a Life Teen Missionary
  25. “I didn’t do it for all of Lent, but for Holy Week last year I gave up my pillow. Honestly, at first it was fun, but it proved to be hard. But it made me realize how blessed I am to even have a bed.” – Sara, a Life Teen Missionary

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who will you be in 2013?

As the new year begins everyone plans their resolutions. 

1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.

What will you resolve to do regarding your faith life in 2013? Perhaps you will choose to pray more, help others more, be kinder, more loving, help those in need, go to church regularly...whatever you may choose to do.. do it with a willing and loving heart.  

I challenge all of us to love more, pray more and be more like Him with each day that passes.
Blessings to all for a Christ filled 2013.