Monday, June 25, 2012

Listening for God in the SILENCE

God speaks in the silence of the heart.

Listening is the beginning of prayer. ~Mother Teresa

I am currently on a silent retreat.  I did my first silent retreat five years ago.  I have to admit the thought of it was a little scary.  No talking, including meal time, except for an hour a day with your spiritual director.  

It was one of the best things I have ever done.  For me it was a wonderful way to slow down and take time to listen to what God was trying to tell me.  It seems that in todays world everyone is always on the run.  How often do we really take time to listen for God?

God speaks in the whispers and we must take the time to listen. In order to do that, we must turn off the tv, radio, ipods, cell phones and find some quiet time alone.  Take time to quiet our hearts and just sit and let God speak to us.  You may choose to use this quiet time to read Scripture, read a spiritual book, go on a walk, meditate, or pray.  It is really about finding a little silence in our daily routine, even if it's just five minutes.  

Remember…Pray as you can, not as you ought.   As we learn to take time each day to listen for God in the silence, we begin to hear his gentle nudging and sweet voice leading us in the way we should go.  I hope you will make an effort to find some quiet time with God each day.  He is there waiting patiently for us to listen for Him.  It is in the silence that we hear His voice.  

Be still and know that I am God: psalm 46:10   ~  

Blessings on your day....Enjoy the journey

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