Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Prepare ye for the coming of the King

Among the hustle and bustle of the CHRISTtmas season how are we keeping Christ present?    We are busy shopping and wrapping gifts... however, are we making sure to keep our sights on the true presence of Christmas.. our Lord Jesus Christ.  

In this final week of advent I hope we can all do things that keep CHRIST in Christmas.  Keep in mind all those that will be separated from their loved ones, especially all those in Connecticut.  May God grant us the peace that passes all understanding this season.  

I pray that we all enjoy this holiday season remembering the REASON FOR THE SEASON!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent, a time for preparation

Matthew 18:3

      And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will       never enter the kingdom of heaven.

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

Today in our youth group we reflected on these two scriptures.  How as children we trust completely, however as we grow older we learn to do away with our childish ways.

This does not mean that we never have fun or joy in our lives again, rather it means we learn to reason as adults and follow God with our whole heart and whole soul.   I myself will never loose that childlike wonder and awe when I see Christmas lights, or give someone I love a gift that brings them much happiness.  I do however find myself taking more time for Jesus every day and talking with Him about what he wants from me.  I want to serve Him in the way He desires.  So while I will still have fun and do silly things, I am also sure to include Him in all I say and do.  I will make every effort to live my life as he wishes.

This advent season I challenge all of us to remember the true reason for the season.
Let us find some way to serve Jesus this month.  Do something for someone else, pray, write a letter, go to PADS or feed my starving children, help out a friend in need ..just do something.   It is fun to shop and bake cookies and go to parties, but we must also leave room each day for Him.  The tiny baby born in a stable.  The light that shines for all of us.  Let us all prepare our hearts for the coming of the Christ child.
May your advent season be blessed with much happiness and service done for others.  


Take a moment to watch this darling video.  A kindergarten class shares the nativity story.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mark 10:46-52

There were hundreds in the crowd that day at Jericho. I am sure many of those people had needs and wanted healing.   This Sunday the gospel (Mark 10:46-52)will tell us that apparently only one of them had the courage and determination to speak up and ask for help from Jesus, whom everyone had come to see.

Bartimaeus, a blind man, not someone that many thought deserved the Lord's recognition.  I can only imagine how people in the crowd may have tried to push him away from our Lord.  A blind man among them asking for the Messiah's help.  This did not deter Bartimaeus, in fact it made him more determined.  He actually shouted out for the Lord.  This act of faith stopped our Lord in His tracks. Bartimaeus was a beggar and seen as someone not worthy to speak to the Lord.  He most likely wore a cloak to protect himself from the heat and cold and to hide his shame.   He removed his cloak and this left him open and vulnerable.  I guess we could say he was willing to let go of things that held him back.  He shed his past so to speak and stopped at nothing to let the Lord know he trusted that He could heal him.  Do we have that kind of faith with our Lord?

They say often the blind  see more than people who have physical sight. one reason being is  they have to rely more  on their other senses; hearing, smell and touch. The faith Bartimaeus demonstrated did lead him to the Lord and eventually to his healing.  

Last night, I spoke with my Confirmation students asking them how determined they are when it comes to asking for God's help.  Are they ever blind to the world and needs around them?  Often it is not physical blindness that hinders us, but the blindness in our heart and faith life.  Are we blind to those around us, because we are thinking or only ourselves?  Do we try every day to look for ways that we can SEE what others need?  To put our needs aside and trust that God will show us ways to help others.  

Challenge for today:  Let us all SEE with our hearts this week.  Finding ways to help those around us.  Demonstrating our faith through our actions.  Shouting out to the Lord... Show me what I must SEE.

Blessings to all for a glorious week.  Enjoy seeing all that God has planned for you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time For Change

I love fall.  The changing leaves, the beautiful sunsets.  Such a wonderful season.  As the song says; to everything turn, turn, turn, there is a time for every purpose under heaven.  
Ecclesiates 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.  
Is our time now?
Autumn is a season of change.  Perhaps we can take some time to turn over a new leaf.   Maybe it is time to change our attitude, or change how we look at life.  Maybe it is just about changing the amount of time we spend in prayer.  We all have things we are working on,  ways we continue to try and change our lives so we are more like Christ.  
Take some time to enjoy the changing colors.  Notice the beauty that exists in our world.  But most importantly, take time to recognize the change that we can bring.  The things that we can do that will bring the beauty of autumn into our lives and the lives of those around us.  

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where are you and who are you???

This is one of my many favorite quotes.  Sometimes we are so wrapped up in where we are going we miss the journey.  We completely miss being in the present moment.  We tell ourselves that once we get there we will take some time.  We will play or relax, whatever it is we are not doing right now.  

What if we always looked at our lives as though we are there?  That right now in this very moment I am where I am meant to be.   I can be happy right now.  I can work hard, and study hard, and play hard, but I can be happy right now.  

No matter where I go, there I am.  I might as well be happy where ever I go.  Look at the glass half full, and try my very best to bring joy and happiness to the lives of others.  

Go where you must, but go knowing you have a choice to be your very best every day.  Today I choose to take a deep breath, relax and just be... be happy, be thankful, be grateful.  

Blessings for a wonderful week!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Feast of the Assumption Aug 15th

The Feast of the Assumption is one of the most important feast days of the year and a Holy Day of Obligation on the official Roman Catholic Church calendar.  By tradition, the holy day is observed every August 15. This year, the Feast of the Assumption occurs on Wednesday, August 15, 2012.  According to Roman Catholic theology, Mary was "assumed body and soul into heavenly glory" several years after her son, Jesus, ascended into heaven.

Bishop Ricken Issues Formal Decree. Marian Apparitions at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help are first and only in the U.S. to be approved by the Church!  

If you are ever in the Green Bay, Wisconsin area I encourage you to go to the shrine.  It is a peaceful and holy place.  You can walk the grounds, sit in the church, or spend time in the chapel.  However you choose to spend your time there it will be a blessing.  

Let us always be mindful of the love our Mother Mary had for her son Jesus and the love she has for each of us.   

Blessings for a wonderful week.  

Monday, July 30, 2012

Who are you BEING?


Ephesians 4:22-24 22 So get rid of your old self, which made you live as you used to—the old self that was being destroyed by its deceitful desires.23 Your hearts and minds must be made completely new,24 and you must put on the new self, which is created in God's likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy.

For me, it is important every moment of every day to look at who I am being.  Am I being kind, considerate, compassionate, loving, caring and on and on.  It is so easy to be swept away by worldly things and worldly ways.  Too often our sites are set on what we want rather than what we need.  I have to ask myself every day if I am being who God wants me to be.  I must be very honest about who I am being.  Is what I do all for the grace of God?  Being human,  every day I need to ask God to lead me so I might do things in a way that is pleasing to Him.  

We are called human beings not human doings.  It is about who we are being when we are doing.  Are we being Christ for others or are we more concerned about how we look and what we have?  This is an ongoing learning process for me.   I ask myself, am I being the same person in all areas of my life?  Being the same person at work, as I am at home, as I am at church, and in line at the grocery store.  That I may be as much like Christ as I can "be".  When I find myself being consumed with what I want and feel, rather than what God wants.. I stop and ask Him to help me to be the human "being" He wants me to be.  

I pray that we all enjoy "be"coming who God wants us to "be".  Blessings for a wonderful and peaceful week.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

2012-06-26_18-14-17_566.jpgWithout love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing. 
                                                                                        ~St Therese of Liseux.    

For years I have been drawn to St Therese " the little flower".  For me, she is a beautiful example of what it means to love simply and to love with all your heart.  

I ought to seek the company of those Sisters who according to nature please me least. I ought to fulfill in their regard the office of the Good Samaritan. A word, a kindly smile, will often suffice to gladden a wounded and sorrowful heart.   ~Story of A Soul, Chapter X

I love how Therese made it a point to love others, especially those that she may not have always found so easy to love.  How many times in our own lives do we hold a grudge, not allow ourselves to love those we feel have wronged us?  It might be a sibling, a parent, a child, or a spouse.   The example St Therese teaches us is to love others as Jesus would, no judgement, just pure love.  
I encourage you to read the above link St Therese and Love.  You might also be interested in reading more about her on this site.  There is so much to learn from her.  
Last but certainly not least, are you looking for a wonderful place to reflect, learn more about St Therese?  Take some time and go to The Shrine of St Therese in Darien IL.  http://www.saint-therese.org/ 

May God bless you and guide you.  
I would also like to ask everyone to pray for the people of Aurora CO.  Those that lost their lives and those fighting for their lives, all the families and friends of those effected by this terrible tragedy.  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Listening for God in the SILENCE

God speaks in the silence of the heart.

Listening is the beginning of prayer. ~Mother Teresa

I am currently on a silent retreat.  I did my first silent retreat five years ago.  I have to admit the thought of it was a little scary.  No talking, including meal time, except for an hour a day with your spiritual director.  

It was one of the best things I have ever done.  For me it was a wonderful way to slow down and take time to listen to what God was trying to tell me.  It seems that in todays world everyone is always on the run.  How often do we really take time to listen for God?

God speaks in the whispers and we must take the time to listen. In order to do that, we must turn off the tv, radio, ipods, cell phones and find some quiet time alone.  Take time to quiet our hearts and just sit and let God speak to us.  You may choose to use this quiet time to read Scripture, read a spiritual book, go on a walk, meditate, or pray.  It is really about finding a little silence in our daily routine, even if it's just five minutes.  

Remember…Pray as you can, not as you ought.   As we learn to take time each day to listen for God in the silence, we begin to hear his gentle nudging and sweet voice leading us in the way we should go.  I hope you will make an effort to find some quiet time with God each day.  He is there waiting patiently for us to listen for Him.  It is in the silence that we hear His voice.  

Be still and know that I am God: psalm 46:10   ~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcX5106rJLY  

Blessings on your day....Enjoy the journey

Monday, June 18, 2012

Having an attitude of gratitude

This past weekend I went to visit a friend that has been dealing with a very serious illness, spoke to another dear friend and cousin dealing with cancer.  When I spoke with my cousin her response was, "I know this is scary stuff, but I am filled with such gratitude.  There are so many people praying for me it is overwhelming." Then my other friend said nearly the same thing.  They are all so aware that all that is important at this point of their lives is family and friends.  

Nothing else matters they said.  To be at the edge of life, knowing that their own lives can go either way they, feel only gratitude.  What a beautiful lesson for us all to learn.  How often do we experience gratitude in our every day lives?  When things we are facing are not life or death, do we see God's grace?

Today I challenge us all to be witnesses of Christ's abundance.  Look for the  gratitude that exists in our own lives.  Hug your spouse and children, tell someone you love them, take some time to jot down all that you are truly grateful for.   

We never know when life's circumstances may change and we might be the ones facing such trials.  Let us all be aware of carrying an "attitude of gratitude" with us wherever we go.

May God bless you always and may we always be aware of the abundance that exists in our lives.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Labyrinth

Mary Queen of Heaven in Elmhurst has the "Pathway of Peace" Labyrinth behind the church. This project was built with volunteers from Boy Scout Troop 403, Parishioners from Mary Queen of Heaven, Helpers from the Teen Renew group, and others. Work was being coordinated by Neal Styka. Articles on the work have appeared in the Catholic Explorer and Addison and Elmhurst Press.

This past weekend I had the privilege of sharing time with parishioners talking about the labyrinth.  It was a beautiful morning and our pastor spoke about praying with our senses.  Truly seeing God in everything. We all had the opportunity to walk our church's labyrinth.  For any of you that have not had the chance to walk a labyrinth I strongly encourage you to give it a try.   The beauty of the labyrinth is there is no right or wrong way of walking it.  We can walk, slow or fast, enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, or carry someone or something with us on our journey.  

For me walking the labyrinth is a sacred experience.  It is a time for God and me to connect, a time for me to tell Him whatever is on my mind.  Walking can be like a mini pilgrimage.  We walk the path winding and praying or just listening to God's call in our lives.   I understand the labyrinth may not be for everyone and you may find it is not your way of connecting with God.  You will never know until you try.  

For those of you in the area I will be doing a candle lit walk this summer.  All are welcome.

Blessings to everyone on your journey.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Have a Wonderful Monday

A new week, a new day, a new chance to live our lives out to the fullest.  I love the image of the butterfly as it signifies new life and change.  The butterfly can be our reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises.  Is there something you can shift in your life that will cause your life and the life of those around you to be more amazing than it already is?  You might feel as though you are a caterpillar today or perhaps you just want to stay in your cocoon.  We all have those moments, days or weeks when life just seems to come at us.  How could things be different if we chose to love everything about our lives, even those things we are not happy with ... How can I work to change those things and make them different?  For me it is with God's help that I am able to do this.  I truly believe that with God I can accomplish anything.  However, life doesn't always go as we would plan and we need to work a little harder to find God's grace.  Today, I choose to have a wonderful day, no matter what comes my way.  I will choose to be happy, show love to others, and give God thanks and praise!
I pray that your Monday will be one filled with happiness, love, and lots of giving thanks to our Lord.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I AM ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT LIFE!                                 May 30, 2012
Just as I can turn a different direction when I walk, I can change the direction of my thinking if I wish. If I am feeling tired, sad or disappointed and I want to feel energized, I need only change my thoughts.
I think about what brings me joy, what sparks my creativity, what excites me about being alive. I consider what a positive difference I make as I lend a hand or take better care of myself. I take action, and I feel enthusiasm, a zest for life.
A simple shift in my thinking makes all the difference. I love my life right now, and I recognize my potential. My enthusiasm is contagious! Others around me catch my positive energy. I feel the spirit of God moving through me to do mighty works! ~Daily Word a Unity publication
I always say  it often only takes a 10 degree shift in our thinking. Shift off that thought!! How we look at someone or perceive a situation can change our way of being.   Although our jobs may be difficult... thank you for the job.  Our friends or family may frustrate us ... thank you for the frustration Lord because that means I have family to love.  There are so many ways we can shift our thinking that will enable us to love better and be truly enthusiastic about life! I like to refer to this shift in thinking as an "attitude adjustment".   I often ask God for a new direction, a new way of thinking, a way to shift my attitude to see the blessings in all situations.  
Let's get 10 x's more excited about all we have before us today! 
Get Enthusiastic about life!!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”

Today is the day to reflect on our freedom and those that have made it possible.  For all those that have lost their lives serving our country we salute you.


Friday, May 4, 2012

How do you show love to others?

“Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” 

Recently I have had some dear friends experiencing great loss.  It has had me reflect on how I show love to others in my life.  I would like to think that I am showing others love and seeing God's love in everyone and everything every day.  "perfection"??  far from it.  My goal is to love like Jesus loved and yet I am a sinner.  So, every day I start out to love and when I fall short, I pick myself up and start all over again.  I do my best to see God's beauty in everything and everyone, even the car accident I had this week.  I had just finished praying the rosary, listening to my Christian music and had no cell phone in sight and still I found myself in the back of a huge Ford truck.  Someone cut the truck off, he slammed on his brakes and I ran into him.   Thankfully there were no injuries.  It did remind me to be so thankful for life.  As I started this entry today I mentioned my friends and their loss.  I honestly know my accident is not even in the ballpark of what they are dealing with.  A car can be repaired, but we can't bring our loved ones back once they are gone.  Yes I believe they are in a better place, but our hearts long to be with them.  My Godfather who is dealing with dementia had a beautiful moment of clarity last week.  He said about the death of his son, "when you loose a child you reserve a place in your heart for them, you will always love them."  I agree you never stop loving your family and friends once they are gone, but let us remember to show our love while they are still here with us.  St Therese would sweep the floors of the convent with pure love in her heart, such a menial task and yet she found God in it.  This week, let us all try to find God in all we say and do.  When we study for a test, walk the dog, go to work, get upset with our parents, spouses or children, play our sports, even get in a car accident.  Let us all love like we might not see tomorrow and to be Christ for all those we meet.  
Blessings to all for a wonderful week.

A friend of mine wrote the message below on his blog and I thought you might enjoy it as well.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taking time with the Lord

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 
                                                                                                 ~ 2 Timothy 1-7

Today I woke up to pray and meditate with the Lord.  I have found that taking time each morning to just "be" with the Lord my entire day goes smoother.  I have always believed that quiet time with the Lord will increase the peace so to speak... but it really works!  I challenge you if you are not already taking some quiet reflective time each morning when you get up to try it for Lent.  Perhaps you will start with 5 minutes a day and increase the time as Lent continues.  
I pray that you and I will be able to stay present to His presence in our lives and in our world. 
Blessings for a wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Will Lent be time of change for YOU?

An outward sign of your faith

Tomorrow, Wednesday February 22 begins our lenten journey.  How will you choose to prepare your self for Easter?  We are asked to offer 3 types of actions to our Lord.  

Prayer, Fasting and Alms giving.  What will you do?  

Fasting if you are 14 are older includes abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of lent.  Fasting should also include some type of sacrifice.  Perhaps you will abstain from a certain television show, Facebook, or your favorite food.  You can abstain from different things each week if you prefer.   For me, fasting can keep me focused on prayer.  Each time I am reminded of my sacrifice I take that time to pray.  I will pray for the world, or someone in my life that needs praying for.  The beautiful thing about sacrifice and or fasting is it will remind us of what God did for us.  Sacrificing His only Son for us.  

Praying during lent can take many forms as well.  Perhaps you will read the Bible each day, pray the Rosary, pray for peace in the world.  Praying each day for our world, loved ones and friends is an important part of the lenten journey.  If you are just beginning your prayer life, maybe you will pray for a short time each day.  

Alms giving is also an important part.  Maybe you will choose a charity as a family and all will collect money to support your charity.  Maybe you brought a rice bowl home from school and each day you will use that for your collection.

Remember what ever it is you choose to do for Lent this is a journey between you and Jesus.  Nobody else needs to know what you have chosen to do.   It is a time for you to renew your life.  Make changes and sacrifice that bring you closer to Him.  If you don't really eat much candy then giving up candy is not much of a sacrifice.  However, if you love chocolate and eat it every day, then that is sacrifice.  Adding more prayer time to your day, doing random acts of kindness each day.  Have your journey be about you and Jesus.  You walking with Him on his journey in the desert.  I love lent because as a sinner it helps me to take time to just "be" with Jesus.  Thinking about who I want to be in the world every day.  

However you plan to go to the desert this lent have your journey be about change and renewal.  Like the caterpillar, we are entering into our cocoon.  Beginning to form and change ourselves into a butterfly.  Enjoy the journey!